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Creative Ways To Upcycle Vinyl Records

A charity shop approached me for help sprucing up their vinyl record display. I decided to use damaged records to go in with the shops vintage feel. After gathering up their scratched records, I created these display signs and bowls.

Vinyl record display signs and bowls


In a large frying pan, boil enough water to submerge your record. Turn the heat down to a simmer. Keep hold of your record as you dip it into the water. You will notice the record soften, which is when you can manipulate it into shape. Remove the record and leave it to dry. For a few seconds, you will still be able to manipulate the shape. There is also a technique using an oven which you can look into using my friend Google.


To create a bowl, follow the steps above and repeat for all four sides.


To create a standing sign, bend one side of the record. To get a straight base, squash the record between a hard surface (i.e. books) as it drys. I wrote on the record with a white chalk board pen.


The easier way to do this would be using a saw. I however did it my own DIY way because I was too impatient. I heated up the record in water then cut my shape using a craft knife. I had drawn my letters on before heating. I used a hand file to neaten the edges. I decided to give each letter more definition by drawing around them in white chalk board pen.


Have some fun with this and see what you can make.

Vinyl Record Butterflies, Magazine Rack & Letter Holder

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